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West River Mental Health is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). We are committed to bettering the lives of thousands of mental and behavioral health clients across the Black Hills and surrounding area. With your donation, we can continue to provide access to Behavioral Health services to the communities we serve in western South Dakota.

Restricted vs. Unrestricted Donations

Gifts to the company are placed into a program development fund unless restricted by the donor. Donors that restrict their financial gift may designate funds to certain programs or facility development based on their wishes. The Board of Directors of West River Mental Health will review the unrestricted funds on a regular basis to determine the need and distribute mental health charity accordingly throughout the program.

Program Development

As State and Federal funds for services fluctuate, we strive to stabilize our ability to offer core services and build positive change in our community.
All charity contributions are invested to ensure future growth, to allow us to develop new programs, and to support the existing programs of our Social Mission:

  • Children with serious emotional or behavioral problems
  • Adults with major mental illness
  • Suicide intervention
  • Crisis stabilization
  • Pregnant women or women with small children who have a substance abuse problem